BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: Working with documents > About importing documents > About the Document Import Tool > Controlling the Document Import Tool

Controlling the Document Import Tool

After all the options necessary to complete a document import have been set or an existing import configuration file has been loaded in the Document Import Tool, you are ready to start the actual import process. The Document Import Tool has several buttons that allow you to control the import process:

 Start Import: Begins the data import process. This button is cleared if the field containing path information to the source documents has not yet been selected in the File path field option.

 Pause Import: Pauses the data import process. This stops the import temporarily but allows it to be resumed by clicking Start Import.

 Stop Import: Stops the data import process entirely. If the import has been stopped, it must be restarted from the beginning.

Warning    Beware of importing the same documents more than once. The Document Import Tool will create copies of documents previously imported, with names like <DocumentName> (2).<Extension>.

Related concepts

About importing documents

About the Document Import Tool

Importing assemblies

Importing hybrid documents

Related tasks

Importing files using drag and drop

Creating an import data source file

Loading a configuration file

Monitoring an import

Configuring data source settings

Configuring the Miscellaneous settings

Configuring the Initialize Properties settings

Configuring the Revisions settings

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